Equality, Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
At Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form, we expect all staff and students to work within a safe, welcoming and stimulating environment, which embraces diversity and promotes respect. Our mission is to help students fulfil their academic potential and become thinking, questioning and caring members of society in line with the Trust’s motto of “Success for Everyone”.
We promote equality and diversity in all aspects of teaching and learning and the curriculum as well as in the employment of staff and enrolment of students into Sixth Form. We are committed to ensuring that all staff and students are treated and rewarded fairly, irrespective of gender or any other protected characteristic.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Age
- Disability
- Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
- Gender
- Gender reassignment
- Sexual orientation
- Religious belief
Any threatening, physical or verbal misbehaviour will be treated as a serious incident. We, as a school, are familiar of intersectional factors that may affect individuals and we actively seek to protect students from all forms of harassment or bullying. Students can report any incidents or concerns anonymously to: safe6th@woolwichpolyboys.co.uk.
Students also have the opportunity to join the LGBTQ+ society and there are trusted members of staff that are trained to support students who identify as LGBTQ+. Counselling is also available through our designated 6th form counsellor.
Selected students are also trained as Safe Ambassadors in Sixth Form for peer support.
All staff and students are legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.
You’re also protected from discrimination if:
- You’re associated with someone who has a protected characteristic, for example a family member or friend.
- You’ve complained about discrimination or supported someone else’s claim.
Cassandra - SEND Lead for Sixth Form
In facilitating Inclusion, Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) at our school will receive the best education, have the highest expectations for the quality of their work and be self-confident in their learning.
Our priority is that all students reach their full potential and make as much progress as they can hence, with our early detection /assessment and interventions process, SEND students will have their learning needs Supported, or have a statement/EHCP.
The department provides additional support for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Many of our students have complex needs covering a variety of differences across a broad spectrum.
Women in Business Networking Event 2023
Our women in Year 12 and 13 finished out the Spring term with an invitation to the #BuildYourNetwork event, hosted by Momentum ITSMA. This women in business evening, a celebration of Women’s History Month, was organised by Woolwich Poly alumna Dami Quadri, Class of 2018.
‘As someone who came out of Woolwich Poly Sixth Form, it’s great to be able to connect and inspire current students who are in a position I was once in. Being able to be involved and give back to a school that gave me so much. I’m so excited to see what the future holds for this year’s cohort of Poly students’, said Dami.
The evening provided an opportunity for our students to speed network with women from companies such as Microsoft, Salesforce, Fujitsu and PwC as well as share thoughts and learn how to manage some of the most difficult topics facing women today, like how to balance work and home life, or how to overcome imposter syndrome.
Year 12 student Carmen said, 'I absolutely enjoyed the evening. Meeting new people and discussing both the challenges and the opportunities that there are for young women in the corporate environment has made me more confident in pursuing my career'
A similar sentiment was shared by Sekinat, Year 12, 'It was incredible to meet with women in various careers who shared their experiences in the world of work. I also learnt how important emotional intelligence and believing in oneself are in achieving career success’.
A huge thank you to Dami and all our alumni who continue to contribute to our Sixth Form.