Our Vision
Woolwich Polytechnic Sixth Form offers the highest quality education to allow our students to pursue the pathway and career of their choice with confidence in a changing and challenging global community, reflected in our outcomes and destinations. Our whole-school vision of “Success for everyone” is at our core, with a drive towards academic excellence and a desire to create independent learners ready to face life beyond the Poly: 95% of our students go on to further education or training and our alumni are testament to the leaders that we produce. We believe in extending and enriching our students, both academically and socially, developing young leaders who have the skills to self-regulate their emotions and set goals and aspirations through the VESPA model. We work tirelessly to ensure our students are world -ready, armed with the relevant skills, experience and achievements to support them in achieving success.
Our Sixth Form motto of “Tomorrow’s Leaders” underpins our ethos and the expectations that we have of our students here at Woolwich Poly Sixth Form. Sixth Formers are considered young adults who should lead as good role models for students in younger years.
Our Vision: “Success for Everyone”
We share with PolyMAT the ultimate ambition of “Success for Everyone”, recognising that success is rightly tailored to the ambitions of all individuals who constitute our community.
For the wider community, we envisage that Woolwich Poly should be a beacon of success in the dynamic and diverse communities we serve.
For parents and carers, we would hope that this ambition extends to the feeling you have after meetings, at celebrations, on receiving news about your son or daughter: we aim for all communications between us and parents to leave a feeling of success.
For our staff, we recognise that their motivation is strongly determined by their having successful interactions with parents, their students and the wider community: if our staff are successful, it follows that our students will become equally successful.
For our students, success will look different for individuals: we aim to offer a curriculum and tailored approaches to student development that enhance their skillset and work towards their own ambitions, however varied.
As a baseline expectation, we insist that all stakeholders, including students, parents/carers, visitors and staff, maintain behaviours that are ready, respectful and safe. Positive and productive relationships emerge when all work together with readiness, respect and safety in mind and these relationships are the foundation for future success.
Our Values: Effort, Kindness and Participation
Beyond this baseline expectation, we aspire to greater values of effort, kindness and participation.
We value effort in work and in meeting deadlines as preparation for the world of further academic study and work. But we also value effort in putting things right. We recognise that mistakes will happen, that human interactions can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and upset. It is vital for a successful community to provide time and space to resolve these issues and put things right as relationships take maintenance and repair.
We value kindness, manifested through helping others and empathy. We want to our school to represent the best of our society and celebrate the rich diversity of our student and staff body, which takes kindness in understanding and respecting differences. We recognise that no one group of people has all the answers or can solve all problems. But together, the rich diversity of voices, whether from different ethnicities, religions, gender, age or sexuality, when working together in kindness can overcome any challenge.
We value participation in representing the school and taking an active role in the school, whether through contributions in lessons, enrichment, assemblies or outside the school. Participation is an absolute necessity in the school’s development and we want everyone to have voice and volition in steering the future course of success.