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Extracurricular & Enrichment

One of the many benefits of studying at the Poly is the huge network of community contacts and extra-curricular activities. We want our students to be leaders in the community. This means students need to be confident and as ‘world aware’ as possible. Our extra-curricular programme covers a myriad of activities, including sports, student ambassadors, as well as university visits and guest speakers from the academic and business worlds. We also offer enrichment trips every half-term to broaden the experiences of our students.  

We have been working with The Safe School Ambassadors® Program (SSA), which harnesses the power of students to prevent and stop bullying and mistreatment as well as nurture mental health.  

We have a wonderful music department with practice rooms where our Sixth Form students can spend time after school composing music and playing a wide range of instruments.  

“Radio Poly” is a new initiative we are launching in 2024, in partnership with Bloomsbury University. Designed to empower our students, giving them the opportunity to record their own podcasts, radio sets and broadcast through the Bloomsbury Institute radio. 

Our ethos also aims to embody and cultivate a strong altruistic and caring community; we believe wholeheartedly in doing good for others, particularly in ways that give back to our community. We have strong links with Peabody and local care homes. We also encourage our students to partake in at least one fundraising event a term.   

Sixth Formers are also encouraged to help at clubs run for lower school students as well, leading on events such as Sports Days, Culture Clash and a variety of other events designed to bring the school community together. 

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT